Ask Wendy Part 2: Your Relationship Problems Solved
Dating and relationship problems.
We all have them. Now there’s somewhere to share them.
Get answers to all of those questions that you just can’t ask anyone else right here.
Whatever the issue may be, whether you’re embarking on a brand new relationship with someone onsite, terminally single and looking or just plain lost, Toyboy Warehouses’ relationship experts are on hand to give you answers to all your questions. Simply email your question(s) to [email protected] and each week, 4 of them will be solved by one of our Toyboy Warehouse experts. The answers will be published on our blog – but don’t worry, your name won’t appear! There’s no judgement, just free and friendly advice.
This week, your questions were answered by author and expert Toyboy Warehouse member Wendy Salisbury. All names have been changed, so don’t try to guess who this may be!
To see your questions answered in this space next time, simply email them to [email protected]
You asked:
I’ve dated two women from the site and both relationships have ended because our connection was physical and not emotional. I just don’t know how to keep an older woman interested, how can I make sure she won’t get bored? – Robert, 28
Wendy replied:
Hi Robert,
It’s rare for individuals to click on every level. In fact, it’s a miracle if they do! A physical connection is wonderful – it means there’s good chemistry there – but the mental connection can be harder to achieve. It may not be you, though; some women find it hard to engage emotionally especially if they’ve been hurt before. They may just be trying to protect themselves and not give too much away.
As with all relationships, try to find common ground: books, movies, music, family, travel, art. Two intelligent people, no matter their age difference, can always find something to talk about. Making each other laugh is also important but try to avoid telling jokes – if she’s older then you, she may well have heard them before!
If you’ve only had this experience with two women, keep on trying. Maybe the women you met were not the right ones for you.
Dating is like life: you can’t get on with everybody!
Best of luck!
You asked:
My face is well-known in my industry, I have a top-class reputation that I’ve worked really hard to achieve. But this can make dating really complicated for me. Sometimes I’ve even hidden my name from dates in the past because I don’t want to meet men who want me for my money/status. Do you have any advice to help me spot and avoid the wrong kind of guy? – Vivienne, 46
Wendy replied:
Hi Vivienne,
As with any situation, avoiding the wrong route is mostly a matter of instinct and intuition. Do you trust the person you’re talking to? Do they seem genuinely interested in who you are, even if they know WHO YOU ARE? It’s flattering to be recognized but not if they’re going to build on their reputation by bragging about yours.
A younger guy will probably be more impressionable so you may want to avoid the 20-somethings (as cute as they may be). Go for someone in their late 30s or 40s – at least they’ll be more grounded with more life experience.
There will always be a social imbalance when the female is wealthier than the male. He can, of course, bring other qualities to the party but finances are a delicate matter. The words Sugar Daddy exist for a reason and if you don’t want to become a Sugar Mummy, you must start as you mean to continue i.e. keep a hold on your purse. You don’t want to become a meal ticket or effectively be paying for sex. You may as well hire a gigolo!
With regard to your high profile, if your date turned out to be a hot young Hollywood actor or even George Clooney, imagine how you’d react? It is human nature to be impressed by fame and fortune, but a real gentleman should remain cool and unruffled rather than ask you for your autograph.
The best judge of any situation is always your gut feeling, so have faith and trust in that. There are good men out there who will respect you no matter who you are or what you do. You just have to sort the wheat from the chaff (or in this case the sweet from the chav).
Best of luck!
If you’d like answers to any questions that you have, send them in to [email protected]