5 Rules For Dating Older Women
Older women are fun, playful and incredibly sexy but not always very simple. Fortunately, Toyboy Warehouse is a dating site that knows these goddesses inside and out. After all, it was created for older women, by older women.
We’ve assembled five definitive rules for dating an older woman – using insights gained from years of being the original toyboy dating site – to help you meet women and kick start the most exhilarating time of your dating life right now…
1. Forget everything you once thought you knew
A good place to start is putting to right any wrong ideas you have so far about older women. Chances are, if you learn from anything other than experience, the wrong assumptions will let you down. So put away the Sex and the City box set, drop the words ‘cougar’ and ‘sugar momma’ from your vocab and prepare to start learning as quick as you can. After all, this is a real woman you’re dating, with her own life. Treat her as anything other than that and you’ll have a run for your money making it past the first date.
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2. Be prepared to up your game
Think of all the things that attract you to her: she looks good, has an exciting (and probably demanding!) lifestyle with lots of interesting experiences to share. Don’t just take it all and offer nothing in return. Remember: an older woman wants you, she doesn’t need you – so make sure you’re something she can’t afford to let go. Keep in shape, share your passions, ambitions and make sure you’re adding to her fun rather than being another demand on her time.
3. Aim to impress
Make sure you’re always looking for another great adventure to have together. McDonalds may claim that every moment is a McDonalds moment, but they weren’t thinking of your first date with an older woman when they said it. Pick something old, cliché or cheap and she’ll be bored stiff. Find an exciting, unconventional date idea, an outdoors adventure or a trendy new restaurant, and show her what you’re really made of. Don’t rely too much on your experience of dating younger women either. It takes a lot more to impress an older woman, but when you do it’ll be even more worthwhile.
4. Don’t be put off if it doesn’t come easy
It’s that simple. This goes for all women but older women especially. There will be good times, there will be bad times, and there’s a whole lot of lifestyle to fit in with too. But when has anything good ever been easy to get? Work harder and you can expect to play harder in return.
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5. Expect the ride of your life
If you can satisfy these rules for dating older women then you could be about to enjoy one of the most passionate, fun, genuine relationships. Older women and younger men make great partners because they share so many qualities, attitudes and desires. If you feel like you have what it takes, there’s just one step left to make it happen and that’s to join Toyboy Warehouse! But if you do, be warned, you may never be interested in women your own age again…