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We’ve had a few discussions on our forum lately suggesting that we aren’t (here at TBW HQ) high-lighting men’s points of view enough. We’ve always tried to get away from the stereotype of the older woman seeking a younger man and the younger man seeking an older woman, which tends towards a picture of a […]
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Bastian Dash
At some point every story sounds the same… Well not quite the same. There are always variant themes, dependent upon one’s latest adventure, but in the end it’s like one series too many of a former favourite TV show. In other words, you’re better off with the odd one-off special now and again to stop […]
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Worst date
In case you’re wondering, MVWD is an acronym for My Very Worst Date; something I’m sure many of you have experienced in varying degrees of horror. Whilst browsing around the other day, we came across a blog called, yep, you guessed it Now, we’re not denying this blogger had a bad date, and a […]
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hairy men
If you want an intelligent partner – seek out a man with body hair. A recent study conducted by psychiatrist Dr Aikarakudy Alias, who has been working on the relationship between body hair and intelligence for 22 years, showed that hairy chests are more likely to be found among the most intelligent and highly educated […]
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Wendy Salisbury
IS IT ME… or is a bloke terrific company until that moment when he falls asleep and starts snoring – the moment when all the cooing and wooing in the world would not be sufficient to stop you wanting to put a pillow over his head or sit on his face but not in a […]
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flirting facts
So you’ve mastered the art of eye contact and can beckon a romantic prospect with just a few coy glances… but do you really know all there is to know about the fine art of flirting? Just to make sure you’re up to speed, we culled some very surprising information that you can use to your advantage, […]
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Masculine/feminine preference
Within the past year, nearly 4,800 women participated in an experiment at, the online psychology laboratory of the Face Research Laboratory at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. They were young women, mostly in their early- to mid-twenties, and all identified their ethnicity as white. Later, researchers at the lab would confirm from IP […]
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Graph to show statistics around break ups
Did you know that the most likely day of the year to be broken up with is the first Monday in December? Perhaps some combination of seasonal affect disorder and a case of the Mondays has warped the idea of you meeting their family over the holidays into something horrid. Consequently, Christmas Day is the […]
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