30 Days of Blogs: Our Top 4 Revelations
30 Days of Blogs culminated yesterday and what an incredible month we have shared through insightful and entertaining blogs. Some of these were informed by scientific fact, and some by tried and tested experience. However, what each shares at the core is a message that challenges the way we view dating. If you didn’t read them all, they will remain on site for your reading (and rereading) pleasure, but here’s our rundown in case you missed the very best bits…
Top 4 awesome insights:
Older women are more sexual
We began with a blog from a member with a long-standing history of providing excellent blogs for our site. This latest piece disproved any ill-informed preconceptions that the older women get, the less interested they are in sex. The facts demonstrate that it is absolutely the opposite, which was in turn reinforced by a very exciting confessional blog on Day 8 that is not to be missed. A woman’s sexuality is certainly shouldn’t be taken for granted however, as our blog on Day 20 will remind you.
Toyboy dating is proof of better gender equality
Knowledge is power, and several of our blogs have been jam-packed with insights into toyboy dating that defy you to remain unchanged. On Days 2, 13, 26 and 29, we exposed the facts and figures linking women who choose to date younger men. The results show that such women are on the whole better educated and more likely to be leaders than women who date men their own age and older. They are also more beautiful than their predecessors and proof of the fact that the countries they come from have ever improving gender equality.
There’s more to this niche than meets the eye
Older woman younger man dating is something that many people have a prejudged opinion about, often leading people to hide their true desires. Over the last month our bloggers have candidly discussed the real reasons why they date within this niche. We revealed that the variety two partners bring to each other makes toyboy dating so exciting and that lots of men exclusively prefer to date older women. For many, their dating experience is such that the age gap eventually dissolves. We challenged stereotypes, discovering that older women aren’t just intelligent, sexy individuals, they’re also wonderful mothers and role models. The perception of the term ‘cougar‘ is also growing and changing, so our niche will only continue to surprise.
We’re all bloggers
Each of these blogs has the aim of provoking discussion, but one thing that is wholly indisputable is the incredible contribution of our community in making 30 Days of blogs possible. Our bloggers take many varied shapes and sizes with view-points each as valuable and inspiring as each other’s and to all of them we say thank you! Whether you are a seasoned professional, write for leisure, or have never picked up a pen, Toyboy Warehouse is here to support your voice so get in touch with us if you would like to be involved.