Twitter feeds are currently clogged with this trending topic, which is a good platform to give a shout out to something or someone you’ve always wanted to thank for something, but in a more public way than would normally be done.
We’ve trawled through them and come up with some of what we consider to be the best:
– all single mums out there working hard to provide their babies everything the world has to offer!
– all the beautiful ladies out there that don’t need no man to keep them happy and have their own money.
– all the lovers that are separated by distance & time. Don’t give up.
– all the RESPONSIBLE FATHERS out there; you guys have my respect.
– anyone who doesn’t give up on their goals, no matter how frustrating that road gets.
– all the people working to prevent sexual violence. Keep up the good work!
– the girls who know what they have to offer is priceless.
– the girls who don’t say or think all guys are the same.
– the people who believed in me and those who didn’t. You’re welcome.
– everyone that remains positive even with all this negativity everywhere.
– all the females that smile in pictures… instead of trying to imitate an angry duck.
– my heart. It’s been played, stabbed, cheated, burned and broken, but somehow still works.
– all the people who stay STRONG even after they have every reason in the world to breakdown.
– the man above for waking me up this morning 🙂
– the girls I’ve hurt, and screwed over. I apologize.
– all the women focused on education and getting her own vs leaching off every man she dates.
– my past for presently making my future brighter.
Who would you give a shout out to, and why?
We at TBW HQ #WannaGiveaShoutoutTo all our fabulous members who contribute to making Toyboy Warehouse the best site out there in this niche! Big thanks!