Toyboy Warehouse member Gaynor Evans hits the headlines with her toyboy antics
Toyboy dater Gaynor Evans, 56, has recently gotten quite a bit of attention among the papers. Why you may ask. Glamorous grandmother Gaynor claims to have picked up over 100 toyboys because it feels sexy and empowering.
Us at Toyboy Warehouse know full well the benefits of toyboy dating, as well as the new lease of life it can give you. Gaynor embodies that with her fun-loving, confident attitude. Gaynor says she enjoys dating younger men because they know what they want and she’s not looking to be tied down anytime soon.
“Older women are confident in their own skin, there’s no dancing around. We know what we’re going to do and how to do it.”Everyone has a preferred age range, for cougar Gaynor she prefers her men 25-35 because they have more passion, both in and outside the bedroom. From lawyers to bankers, from Australia to Switzerland she’s found excitement from a various different toyboys.
While she prefers muscles, Gaynor says it’s not all about looks. ‘I like a brain. I like intelligence’.
Gaynor’s love story didn’t start with with toyboys however. At the age of 18 she was married and not long after had three children. But after difficulties in the marriage Gaynor decided she had to leave.
‘I don’t want to age gracefully’Not to let her relationship ending bring her down she decided to ‘re-invent’ herself. I ‘lost weight, went to the beauticians and started going out with my daughters’. She quickly started to attract younger men and it didn’t take long for Gaynor to start her toyboy adventure.
Gaynor is one of our proud ambassadors and we so glad to see the attention her wonderful experiences have had. Follow her blog Sexandthesignposts.com or check her out on Twitter @gingerbirdevans.
Source: DailyMail