5 top tips to avoid first-date fatigue
You’re on the site. Your profile’s been buffed and polished with a little help from us. You’ve winked, e-card-ed and exchanged messages with the one who’s caught your eye.
Let’s face it; you’re on the verge of a hot date with a lucky lad or lady.
Mazel tov!
The obvious next step’s an alcoholic drink or even dinner. But, come on. Isn’t it time to shake things up a bit?
When going for a drink works, it really works; conversation flows even more readily than the booze, and we all know how a little lubrication does wonders for your liberation.
But when it doesn’t; God, having nothing to talk about can be painful. A drink may only be a brief half-hour in hell, of course; dinner can mean a whole evening wasted, when you knew they were a ‘no’ before they even said ‘hello’.
Think outside that usual ‘dinner/drink’ box. And suggest a date with something to do.
Why are younger men are drawn to older women? In part, because of their intelligence. And why are older women drawn to younger men? Often, their openness. So here are five date ideas that show you’re smart. You can bring the sexy…
1. Pop into a gallery or museum
Think galleries and museums are boring? Not any more; not when there are interactive installations and adults-only late-night openings. Muse intelligently over a glass of pino grigio, or pretend you’re in A Night At The Museum (after too many glasses, those exhibits will definitely come to life).
2. Drop by the zoo
Why should kids have all the fun? Whether you’re into big cats (easy, tiger) or mesmerised by marmosets, there’s nothing like letting your inner child have some fun. Race you to the giraffes, ok?
3. Mooch in a second-hand book shop
There’s just more soul and serendipity in a second-hand bookshop. Browse the shelves together and find out what you both love. Or play secret santa; buy each other the most cool/fun/weird thing you can find for a fiver. Loser buys lunch.
4. Listen to live music
No matter where you are, there’s live music near you. A quick flick on Lemonrock.co.uk will give you a score of options, from rock covers to acoustic singer-songwriters. You’ll soon find out if you’re singing from the same hymn sheet.
5. Be a tourist
While it’s brilliant for hotel and restaurant reviews, Tripadvisor.co.uk is also great for uncovering local attractions. Simply chuck your town into the search box to find the best ones. Whether you find yourself strolling in a lavender field, or pointing out Pluto in a planetarium, you’ll feel like you’re on holiday for a few hours.
So what do you suggest? Join in the conversation and share your best and worst first date stories. Join us on facebook or comment below.
Huge thanks to the author of this blog, a TBW member.