This topic, #ThingsYouShouldStopDoingInYour30s, is trending on Twitter, so we thought we’d come up with some of our own!
These are:
- asking your parents for money to go on dates
- asking your parents for money for anything
- living with your parents
- clubbing like you’re 18
- drinking until you pass out
- dressing like a teenager
- sulking because you can’t get your own way
- blaming everyone else for how you turned out
- watching spongebob squarepants, unless you have kids
- snogging different people every night
- slamming all the doors because someone disagrees with you
- squatting
- staying in youth hostels with your date
- using teen text speak (even as a teen!)
- having multiple one night stands
- having drunken unprotected sex
- calling everyone “dude”
Can you think of any more?
The Team @ TBW