Still The Zeitgeist
I’m not normally given to reading trashy magazines, but the other day, whilst sitting in my favourite coffee shop, I randomly picked up a copy of NOW, which was, as I’d known it would be, full of banal nonsense.
Except for one page that caught my eye.
It was discussing who was dating who, and without exception, every woman mentioned was dating a younger guy. The age differences weren’t dramatic, such as is the case with Madonna, Sam Taylor Wood, Jennifer Lopez, but there was a difference of 4 years and more in every case.
Since the very public split of Demi and Ashton, the media has blamed her age on why it happened, and for a very short while, there was a feeling in evidence that this older woman / younger man madness would now shut up, lie down and die. That women would see their “place” in the grand scheme of things and leave May – September relationships to men, who are able to do whatsoever they choose.
Thankfully, this is not so. The older woman / younger man relationship is as relevant as ever; indeed, it is so relevant, it is slowly becoming normal.
It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but it is mine, and, I’m pleased to see, a growing many others’ also.
Written by a TBW user