It’s a generation thing…and the boys win!

Some of you might have wondered where my articles have gone…’s
been a weird few months but I’m back, better than ever.  You see, I went over to the dark side,
so to speak, the dreary side, the side of going out on dates with men over 45.
Well I tried to at least.  I
thought I ought to, but now I just feel rather silly at the waste of time it’s

I even joined a normal dating site, but the only guy I met up
with that I fancied in the slightest (mutual thank god) was a 25 year old. We
went out a couple of times and he was polite gorgeous, smelt heavenly, he
thought I was beautiful, elegant, sweet , wonderful……..but being a complete
idiot I didn’t take it any further as I thought he was too young…

So then I went out and met older
men, made it my duty to ignore the beautiful funny younger men who I was drawn
to. I met an actor in his late 40’s on an airplane. He was ok, we chatted,
texted, talked, as you do……..After three weeks of this, where his telephone
calls got steamier and steamier he came to take me out and er supposedly stay
the night.


The next bit is going to sound
terrible, as if I’m a  body fascist
or something……..ok I am.  All I
will say is that when he took his clothes off, it wasn’t the same as when my
lovely 28 year old  ex boyfriend
used to take his clothes off…added to which he couldn’t ‘Walk the talk’. All those steamy text messages and achingly erotic
midnight calls were just that……’
Hot Air’….And you know what? It was awkward and strange and I ended up sleeping
in the spare bedroom as his snores seared through the wall between us.


 My point is?  You’ll
be saying…….when is she actually going to come to any kind of a conclusion?


Here goes……..I love younger men,
for their verve and energy, their wit and humour,  I love them for their beauty and the way they kiss and make


So as long as they don’t mind me
playing Madonna to their Jesus……..

I’m in:

and I promise not to say stupid
things like……….


‘Don’t you think you might be too
young for me?’




Mosley (Siren Song) has two collections of poetry available from Amazon   The Dry Season (1998)
Crazy Love (2002) and a cd downloadable from
. She is currently editing her novel ‘Moonfisher’, and researching her latest



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