Radio 5 Live: Older women and younger men
Women who date and marry younger men is still a topic that gets people ringing and tweeting radio programmes in big numbers. I was on BBC 5 Live this morning at 7.40 talking about the fact that it is a growing trend and people should avoid stereotyping other people’s relationships. Apparently so many people had opinions about this that they rang and asked me back at 9.15 (lucky I was still in bed!)
When I asked the producer what the general feel of the response was, she said half and half people disapproving and people saying ‘if it works for you, why not?’ When I was on the second time there was a woman called Marilyn being interviewed who is 45 and has married a 22 year-old who she met through her son. Despite all the naysayers she came across as a very happy woman (having had 2 previous failed marriages) and as having a really good relationship. If people would just allow themselves not to be dragged into the clichéd stereotypes of what is the older woman/ younger man relationship is perceived as and seing the person as a person rather than a person a lot younger or a lot older, we might really spread some lurve around, and isn’t that what it’s all about?
Wishing you a very warm and happy Christmas season (I’m sure you’ll be cuddling up with someone nice!) and I hope to see you at our Christmas party on the 17th Dec. See Events for details.
Julia, TBW founder