Desert Island Daters: Essentials for Anyone Dating in 2020
You’ve been marooned on a desert island, you’ve got two goals.
1. Get back home
2. Fix your dating life
Now number 2 may not be your first thought, but with so much free time to yourself it’s the perfect opportunity to get out of that dating rut. There’s a problem however, you can only take one dating advice book/podcast/course with you.
That’s where we come in! Cougar dating site Toyboy Warehouse has found the essential dating literature you need to make your relationships flourish in 2020. There’s no point looking elsewhere, these are the only pieces of dating advice you’ll need to turn your dating life from deserted to flourishing.
These are our Desert Island Daters.

Conquer Your Karmic Relationships: Heal Spiritual Trauma to open Your Heart and Restore Your Soul
Tracee Dunblazier

Tell us about yourself and your work
Tracee Dunblazier GC-C, is a Los Angeles-based spiritual empath, shaman, and a five-time national award-winning author. As a multi-sensitive, Tracee’s blend of intuitive information combined with different modalities, has provided the opportunity for thousands to achieve deep healing and create the success and peace they seek in their lives.
Empathic, delightfully vulnerable, and profoundly real—Dunblazier’s two new keynotes “Are You Haunted?” and “Conquer Your Karmic Relationships” are enlightening presentations that will open your mind to what is happening right in front of you: the multiple energetic dimensions we all share. No matter where you sit on the spectrum of understanding, Tracee makes tangible the connection between mental wellness and spirituality.
Her compassionate, humorous, down-to-earth style empowers her clients, readers, and listeners to address difficult topics with courage and clarity. Because of this, Tracee is consistently called upon by the media for expert commentary on spirituality and relationship dynamics.
In 2015, Tracee founded GoTracee Publishing LLC. It has since grown to be a nationally awarded hybrid publisher that specializes in spiritual-healing memoirs, and divination oracle decks—tools for meditation and self-discovery. Their best-selling Demon Slayer’s Handbook Series and Rainbow Warrior Activation Deck offer light in dark places. They are game changers for those who suffer. GoTracee’s publications expand the reader’s understanding of spiritual transformation and offer the knowledge they need to live their best life.
What is Conquer Your Karmic Relationships: Heal Spiritual Trauma to open Your Heart and Restore Your Soul (Volume Three of the Demon Slayer’s Handbook Series? Why is it an essential for anyone dating in 2020?
Conquer Your Karmic Relationships: Heal Spiritual Trauma to open Your Heart and Restore Your Soul (Volume Three of the Demon Slayer’s Handbook Series) is the quintessential guide on relationships on every level. In this ground breaking book, Tracee Dunblazier takes a look at your spiritual imprints and the repetitive patterns that position you in life. Understanding what karma is and learning all the ways to reveal, accept, forgive, and transform your relationships in every dimension. Not only to your soulmate beloveds and romantic entanglements, but how you relate to food, money, family, culture, religion, sex, death, and your environment. This book will help you unearth the very core of what drives you, showing you how to direct its power into usable, life-giving resources for you and all your relations.
The foundation you create with another is based on the relationship you have with yourself. This book is essential to anyone dating in 2020 because it offers information and teachings on setting boundaries, recognizing deception, finding and owning your power in any situation, overcoming shyness, and learning to master your communication skills. Most of all, you will find a new depth of compassion for yourself and others. When you love and accept yourself you are better equipped to embrace people as they are and cultivate honest relationships by making choices that can endure the test of time.
Our Thoughts
To anyone who wants to understand their karmic position in the world, how they are personally affected by their relationships to others beyond a purely superficial level – then Conquer Your Karmic Relationships is the book for you.
We’ve always held the mantra you can’t improve your dating relationships until you improve the relationship with yourself. It’s hard to understand someone else, especially when we don’t really understand ourselves. Dunblazier’s new book is set to take a deep dive into who we are, helping us to better reach our potential. Be sure to check out Conquer Your Karmic Relationships on release day!
What do you have lined up in the next few months/year that we should look out for?
- International New Age Trade Show con emcee of the Coalition of Visionary Resources Visionary. Awards, June 13th, Denver Colorado.
- Conquer Your Karmic Relationships: Heal Spiritual Trauma to Open Your Heart and Restore Your Soul, Book release: August 3rd, 2020. Stay tuned for local book signings and launch party.
- “Conquer Your karmic Relationships” Keynote speech at the Body, Mind, Spirit Expo, September 20th at 2 pm at the Pasadena Convention Center
What is your one essential piece of advice to anyone newly entering the dating scene in 2020.
Be patient, open your heart, and act with compassion when meeting others. The spiritual relationship you have with yourself sets the foundation (consciously or unconsciously) for the relationships with those you attract and engage with in social activities. Release your expectations, not your boundaries, and everyone wins.

Bad Girlfriend Radio
Brie Schmidt
Tell us about yourself and your work
I’m a relationship educator and coach focused on helping singles and couples have empowered and healthy relationships. In my work, I throw out traditional dating rules and gender stereotypes in favor of an honest and feminist approach.
What is Bad Girlfriend Radio? Why is it an essential for anyone dating in 2020?
Bad Girlfriend Radio answers relationship questions and issues that people are struggling with right now, ranging from ghosting to international dating. Plus, it gets deep into how to develop relationship skills and break bad habits so anyone, regardless of their current relationship status, can start gaining the tools they need to have a better love life.
Our Thoughts
Bad Girlfriend Radio introduces itself as a no BS, no shame and no sugarcoat kind of a podcast. You know what, it’s exactly that!
We’ve been loving Bad Girlfriend Radio. If like us, you’re bored of the ‘how to be the perfect girlfriend to get the guy of your dreams’ self-help propoganda, then this is for you.
What’s really strange, is when listening you start to realise the things you do in everyday life that don’t really reflect who you are. You notice the behaviours you have around the opposite sex that are “pretend”, actions you do just because it’s accepted that’s how you should act. Bad Girlfriend Radio says screw you to traditional ideas of identity. It pulls the bandaid so you’re free to be your flawed but wonderful self.
What do you have lined up in the next few months/year that we should look out for?
I’ll be launching digital courses and online coaching services at later this year.
What is your one essential piece of advice to anyone newly entering the dating scene in 2020.
Remember your worth and don’t forget your own dating deal breakers.

Cursed? Why You Still Don’t Have the Relationship You Want and the 5 Cures That Can Transform Your Love Life
Jess McCann
Tell us about yourself and your work
I am an author and relationship coach. I specifically help single women who can’t figure out why they continually suffer negative relationship outcomes. Most of my clients sign up for six months of coaching and during that time we dissect all their past relationships, find out what unconscious habits could be contributing to their unsuccessful patterns, and then put new practices into place so they can find love and a healthy relationship.
What is Appily Ever After? Why is it an essential for anyone dating in 2020?
Cursed? is for any woman who has ever thought, “Maybe I’m cursed! The same thing keeps happening to me over and over again!” I wrote the book for women who are fatigued by dating and at their wits ends as to why they still haven’t found love. It’s essential for anyone dating today because so many women exhibit the habits I talk about in the book, and the habits are what ultimately sabotage a potentially good relationship.
Our Thoughts
We sometimes forget that improving our dating lives isn’t just about our relationship with other people, it’s also about our relationship with ourselves
Cursed? is not single-minded. According to McCann, to improve in dating, you need to look at a number of different areas of your life. The book focusses on how to empower yourself, nudging you to become more confident in who you are. All of which helps turn dating back into an enjoyable endeavour. Thoroughly recommended, ‘Cursed?‘ makes our Desert Island Daters must-have list.
What do you have lined up in the next few months/year that we should look out for?
I am starting a podcast!
What is your one essential piece of advice to anyone newly entering the dating scene in 2020.
My biggest recommendation in 2020 is to look deeper than the surface when searching for a connection. The dating-sphere right now can be very superficial and highly dependent on instant physical attraction. If that is your leading criteria for a partner, you will likely be single for a long time!

Appily Ever After: A Woman’s Guide To Online Dating
Benjamin Daly
Tell us about yourself and your work
My name is Benjamin Daly. I’m a dating coach and author. I run coaching programmes that help women find and attract their ideal guy within 6 months.
What is Appily Ever After? Why is it an essential for anyone dating in 2020?
“Appily Ever After” was released as a handbook to help my clients get results online. It follows principals of marketing and communication to get better results in less time. The main focus is help readers build killer profiles and have unforgettable interactions.
Our Thoughts
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
Dating is a pretty difficult endeavour, however we tackle it very differently to most challenges in our lives. Instead of using practical advice, we aimlessly go from one place to another – confused why we don’t have the relationship we want at the end of it. So who is available to aid us in our hour of need? Daly’s ‘Appily Ever After’ offers practical advice and ready-to-use strategies to fix our dating flaws.
‘Appily Ever After’ is an insightful look into modern relationships. Where many dating books purely focus on traditional advice, Daly incorporates tried and tested guidance into a very familiar, current setting. He also draws from effective strategies of success from a number of different areas, helping to traverse the perils of online dating and modern relationships. ‘Appily Ever After is very much a Desert Island Daters must-have.
What do you have lined up in the next few months/year that we should look out for?
This year, my core programme “The 12 Week Transformation” will be available as a group programme. I’m also releasing a new book “Why Men Don’t Commit” next month. This is a deep dive into a man’s brain to understand why he is so reluctant to commit.
What is your one essential piece of advice to anyone newly entering the dating scene in 2020.
Dating is numbers game. To get the best results, interact with more people, have more conversations and go on more dates. There will be a lot of knock backs along the way, so don’t take it personally. If 1 in 100 interactions turn into a relationship, it’s still a win. 99% failure is still a success.

Ghosted and Breadcrumbed: Stop Falling for Unavailable Men and Get Smart about Healthy Relationships
Dr. Marni Feuerman
Tell us about yourself and your work
I am a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in South Florida, U.S.A. I specialize in helping both individuals and couples with relationship problems. As a nationally recognized expert, I am a go-to media source on all things love, relationships, dating, marriage, and divorce. I’m a freelance writer and author of the self-help book, Ghosted and Breadcrumbed: Stop Falling for Unavailable Men and Get Smart about Healthy Relationships.
What is Ghosted and Breadcrumbed? Why is it an essential for anyone dating in 2020?
Ghosted and Breadcrumbed is a self-help book for women who struggle with unhealthy relationship patterns. Perhaps she keeps attracting the wrong type or keeps going for men who aren’t healthy for her. These men might be emotionally unavailable, narcissists, or “bad boys” for example. Whatever the reason, it’s unfulfilling and sometimes really painful. It’s essential reading for any woman who wants to finally break free from these repetitive patterns and find healthy, secure, and long-lasting love.
Our Thoughts
Dr Feuerman hits the nail on the head! Sometimes when we fall for someone, it can be difficult to see the absurdity of our behaviours. We unfortunately are a little biased, to us our actions seem perfectly reasonable – even when it’s clear to others we’re going after a man who’s not emotionally available. ‘Ghosted and Breadcrumbed’ is a brilliant exposé into our psyche. Backed by solid therapy techniques, this is one book that can give you a surprising number of answers – for some questions you may not even know you had.
What do you have lined up in the next few months/year that we should look out for?
I am developing an online e-course based on some of the concepts in the book. The focus will be creating deep personal change that keep unhealthy patterns alive and create blocks to reaching your dating and relationship goals. Kind of like guided self-therapy that you can do at home at your own pace.
What is your one essential piece of advice to anyone newly entering the dating scene in 2020.
You may attract the wrong people but you don’t have to accept them. There’s no reason to put up with mistreatment or a lack of emotional connection from a partner. If you try to communicate your feelings and they’re met with pushback, no empathy, or not real attempt to work jointly with you on the problem, you should move on.