The pfwoar factor
The pfwoar factor is something that men have long known about, staring at those page three models baring all, or ogling playboy bunnies. They lick their lips at such glamour pusses and of course on TBW we ‘older women’ are the available fantasy. The list is long and delicious, but PFWOAR is a secret pleasure that I have just discovered through Toyboy Warehouse. Other women might like chocolate or lingerie or have a ‘shoe habit’, I have all of these indulgences to a greater or lesser extent but the thing that cheers me up most on these grey English days is clicking onto TBW and gasping at the latest pfwoar photos.
There are many good photos of lovely looking blokes going about their lives but then all of a sudden is a picture of a boy, his face hidden, his T shirt drenched (probably by a bucket of water his girlfriend threw at him in disgust at his vanity) and everything is dramatically there on show. It is like sculpture, like Michael Angelo’s ‘David’, it is breath taking. Not that I want to immediately send him a message or ask him out, far from it. It’s the fantasy element of perfection, like the personification of a Greek Myth that takes my breath away. As a fiction writer who has just finished writing an erotic fantasy novel where a dream lover seduces the three women in the story through their dreams, I understand the power of the imagination.
With raised eyebrows I show the photo to a girlfriend, she is forty with a younger boyfriend and she is an artist. Her jaw drops and she immediately demands that I invite him out so that she can paint him.
Dream on lady
The thing is, when I was twenty – five men just didn’t look like this at all, the narcissistic age of body sculpture was nowhere on the horizon. All my boyfriends and my ex-husband were good looking, but their bodies were just normal, nothing like the honed planes of hard muscle that one sees on billboards and buses, floating dreamily by as we go about our daily grind. . I totally understand now why men go out with much younger gorgeous girls: girls that don’t have their high IQ or educated notion of culture; it’s because a beautiful girl or boy is just like watching a living breathing painting. A few years ago in Bali I met a young Australian in a bar, and we had a brief affair. I say brief because that was the way I wanted it, he was so beautiful that it was difficult to concentrate on anything but the way the light moved over his six pack, the contours of his back, the perfectly symmetrical planes of his face.
So Toyboy Warehouse has been responsible for cheering me up big time. I don’t feel the least bit guilty about this slightly voyeuristic habit of mine, I’ve had people treat me in the same way for years. It’s a fact of life if one is good looking or talented in any way and of course men have been obsessed with older women forever… Innana the Goddess of Sumer had a boy lover Dumutz, more than four thousand years ago, and on the other end of the scale we all know about Cleopatra. Rock on Cleo, it has always been my favourite Shakespeare play, but only now do I truly understand it.
Age cannot wither her
not custom stale her infinite variety
other women cloy the appetites they feed
she makes hungry where most she satisfies
– Antony and Cleopatra, William Shakespeare
Victoria Mosley is a poet and author.
Her debut novel Moonfisher is available on Amazon.
The Red Dragon Bed – erotic fantasy at its weirdest, is soon to be available digitally.