
Ok.  I have had it.  

One of ya’ll and I am talking to that mess of fine, fine, fine boys we have on the site at the moment, needs to write the Rules for texting for me.

God Bless, I swear, it is a minefield and I will tell you why.

You see, not only was their no internet when I was being courted by Mr. Magnolia from London to New York (we were introduced by friends of friends, how quaint and old fashioned, I know) there weren’t even mobile phones.  
Gasps from the readers.  I know. I know.  Hard to believe ain’t it?

So  I hope ya’ll can understand against that background that I have NO idea in sam hill what the hell I am doing with all this text business.  

And now that the divorce is finalised, I am finally, after a year, free to really enjoy meeting I hope about a gazillion of ya’ll…

But before I am officially out there, I need some guidance on texting or I fear I might come off a bit over keen or maybe, God forbid too standoffish.  It’s a delicate balance this texting business, it really is.  

And just like anything in my life, I like to do it right or not do it at all, so….from the few dates I have been on, I have learned a few things about texting, but it’s a pretty short list:

1. The Cab on the way home text.  

Wonderful.  Love it.  Nothing makes a girl, well this girl feel better at the moment,.  When a guy texts right after a goodnight kiss once they have put you in a cab, its just so polite and charming.  Its enough to make you tell the cab driver to turnround so you can kiss him some more.  

Ok, that is an easy one.  All you have to do is text back saying, ‘I had a lovely time, thank you so much, hope to do it again soon. Xx ((I’ll get to all that X or Xx or xxx at the end of a text, Good Lord, a minefield all its own!)

2. The Gratutious Texting Before Meeting Up Again Text (or texting that leads to sex on the 2nd date)

This is fun and like a gorgeous guy friend of mine says, guaranteed to get most guys into a delicious, distracted tizzy at their desks and unable to walk around their offices until they have stopped, erm, how does one say it delicately, stopping thinking about you. Ahem!

Great fun to engage in this kind of texting, no question.  But do you elude or do you get graphic?  Do you tease or do you go for it and do a ‘this is not just text sex, this is M&S text sex’ kinda text where you go into all the details….guess that one depends on the toyboy and the tone of your first date, right?

3. Texting After Sex.  

Hell, now I am just lost on this one because, well I haven’t done it with any of ya’ll, but ….. one day I might, and one day rather soon I hope!

Which means I really, really need advice on this one ASAP fellas.  So that when one of you very lucky tasty boys actually does take my fancy to that extent, I know what to do after.   

Do you sign that first text after sex with on ‘X’? or if you were signing stuff with xxx before sex, do you have to continue with the xxx or can you just do X because it is less formal now that ya’ll have seen each other naked?  

What does one do?  

What is the significance of one X or xxx after sex?  If your toyboy starts ending texts with an X after sex, surely you must match the X or he will think you like him too much or are becoming a Class A Clinger if you keep up the xxx or even an Xx to his X.

As my mamma would have said, when you don’t know what the hell you’re doin or are lost, ask for directions.  

Someone please write the Rules of Texting…

Mrs. Magnolia

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