I just had amazing sex!

If you tweet after sex, you’re in good company as a survey found 36% of people under the age of 35 often use Facebook or Twitter after sex. Moreover men are twice as likely to exhibit this behaviour than women and if you’re an iPhone owner you’re three times more likely to go social media after you know what than Blackberry owners according to a new survey on retrevo.com

Some people are asking if post coital tweeting is the new post coital cigarette, but personally I think it’s much more a symptom of the current ‘broadcast-me’ generation.

I mean, are you going to tell your friends about it? @allmyfriends “I just had amazing sex!” or are you going to tell your ex about it @youdumpedme “My new boyfriend just gave me multiple orgasams which you never did. Bastard!” Now is that over 140 characters?

Anyway here’s a photo of someone who’s happy to tweet about it. It’s a female cliff swallow emiting a postcoital tweet as her mate returns to the skies.

By Julia, TBW founder

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