Gig Review: Grace & Romeo
GIG NUMBER 1 this weekend was on Friday night at the Dogstar in Brixton. We were there to see a band called Patchwork Grace, but, unbeknownst to us, they were one of 5 bands playing that night.
The thought of sitting (well, standing) through the 3 prior acts was not a happy one, but, loving live music as we do, we decided we’d put up and shut up.
The venue was quite a cool one. I had previously thought Brixton’s only decent music venue was its Academy, but in my opinion, the Dogstar is better. Why? Because the acts (on the whole) are “starting out” and are therefore a million times more worth seeing than anything that appears on the Academy’s roster of acts. The big names at the latter have honed their live skills so much that they’re now boring; although naturally, you do have the odd exception.
So, this gig. The first chap on was, erm… well, he had a reasonable singing voice. As a singer/songwriter, I’ve seen his like before. At times, I’d like to never see his like again. But, I know there’s a place for this stuff, and actually, there are a few s/s in my collection. The poets like Dylan and Cohen, and a friend of mine, Deborah. And that’s where it ends. So, I listened it out and was relieved when it ended.
The second lot were better. Kinda heavy rock; but REALLY into it. The guitarist got so into it, in fact, that his fingers bled. That’s gross dedication for you. I’m glad I hadn’t thought to take my glasses.
The third act were some short guys from Wales. They were amusing, but I can’t really remember anything else about them apart from that.
THEN, at last (!) it was Patchwork Grace. And man, did they rock. Seriously, you have to Facebook them. I even had to Blip (www.blip.fm) some of their stuff over the weekend, just so my Blip pals all over the globe could get to hear them. These guys need to make it, or there’s just no justice in this world. The singer has so much stage presence it’s obscene. The bass guitarist (aside from also having stage presence and talent), is gawjus! (and I want his jacket) The chap standing next to me wanted his boots. The girl standing next to me wanted their drummer. Yes, it takes all sorts.
The last act were the headliners, making me wonder what lining the heads of the people who set them up as such was filled with. Not a sensible lining, that’s for sure.
I would recommend the Dogstar as a venue. I would highly recommend PWG as a band.
GIG NUMBER 2 was on Saturday night at The Star, in (I’m pretending to be) Camden (but am, in fact, actually Chester Road and miles away from it). In spite of its pretensions to grandeur (or hip), it was, in fact, a pretty hip place, albeit off the normal beaten track. Which might have been a good thing as it happens.
At this gig, there was only one band (yay!). They were Bang Bang Romeo, and boy, did she bang! The singer that is, who was (is, still) female.
BBR are another gal fronted band, and again, this gal steals the show. Sure, the others were good (and cute) – but, they paled (ever so) slightly when compared to the lungs of the luscious lass in the lead. Again, I would urge that you Facebook them. Get to see them if/when you can. Another band I just had to “Blip”. Why? Because those in and outside of the UK need to hear them!
Both acts are a must see. Now go; see!
fyrebyrd, TBW “Gig Correspondent”
P.S. If you’ve any gigs you’d like us to come along and review for the news column, let me know!