Trinny and Susannah…

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  ITV are on a mission to find women [over 35] in need of a wardrobe overhaul for the new Series of The Trinny & Susannah show to be broadcast this autumn. Do you know how to dress correctly for your age? Is your dress sense going from daring to dangerously inappropriate? Are you unsure […]
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Was awoken at five forty-five am by a gaggle of little boys (about 7 years old actually) not toyboys. See it was the oldest Toehead’s seventh birthday and I organised the cheapest party I could, a sleepover party.   Given the lawyer fees, stamp duty, a lot more touch ups with my colourist due to […]
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Okay, so now that I’m once again entertaining at least the possibility of what having a relationship might be like (I mean it’s been a few years since I even gave the notion let alone the actuality houseroom) this has of course got me thinking about all sorts of quirky relationship type stuff… For instance […]
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…until last week, that is. I have to say that I have been to very few team spectator sports [Wimbledon doesn’t count.] An Italian boyfriend once took me to a Roma Lazio football match. I had no idea what was going on but there was plenty of eye candy. I mean, I went to live […]
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At 33 I’ve just given up a six figure management consultancy salary to work out what I want to be when I grow up. A little late, you might think, but hell, better late than never. So, while spending my days naval gazing / weighing up about a possible charity stint vs. a career as […]
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There’s something about this warmer weather that makes me want to strip off my clothes and run naked through the park.  I would not, however, wish to frighten the squirrels so I shall instead exfoliate and moisturise, and, like the elegant lady that I am, peel away a layer or two to allow the rays […]
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Yes, Dennis and his huge digger are parked outside my bedroom window again. I bought this cottage on a quiet lane next to the park in order to get a bit of peace for writing, but returning home one evening I found Thames Water digging up the lane including a huge trench right outside my […]
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Why the hell can’t people just go on holiday any more! Seriously, holidays used to be fun. You went away, sat by pool or on the beach drank a few cocktails, tried not to think about the mountain of inane emails that would be waiting for you when you got back… and hopefully you got […]
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Okay what I’m going to say will be unpopular to some, but hell I’m going to say it anyway. But let me put this into context first, so that you might at least see where I’m coming from… When I started out of this little adventure of mine a few months shy of my thirtieth […]
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I went to a fantastic party last night at 33 Portland Place [note to self: great venue for a TBW ball] and it was one of the best parties I’ve ever been to. The decaying grandeur of an Robert Adam mansion, endless rooms where strange things were going on, alcohol flowing like the early spring […]
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