Another Kind of Man

Do ya’ll remember that column I wrote ages ago about the 5 kinds of men we need in our life at any one time?  You know, a man who can fix things, a man you can talk to, dance with, have good sex with and a man that can buy you things, that column?

Yes, well, bless my cotton socks, I have discovered a sixth type of man we need in our life!

Let me explain.  You see I have made a really good mate through The Warehouse and over many glasses of beer in recent months, he has been trying to convince me that I should stop seeking what I know and get out of my comfort zone, you know the pinky ring wearing posh boys I usually am attracted to (yes, ya’ll know who you are, Lord Suede Tassle Loafer, Fiesty, etc).  

And I am doing my best to listen to him because he, I hate to admit, probably has a point.

And recently, I met someone so unlike Mr. Magnolia.  So unlike, well, unlike anyone I have ever gone out on a date with before in my life.  

And after two dates it dawned on me, there is a 6th type of man we all need in our lives, especially when times are rough.

It’s the Man That Just Plain Makes You Feel Good.

Who cares which number man he is on my tidy little list?  Because you know, I don’t.  I really honestly don’t.  

He didn’t go to public school.  

He wouldn’t wear a pinky ring if you paid him a million pounds (well, maybe if you paid him a million pounds and then he’d bank the cash and give the ring to a homeless guy so he could pawn it to buy food or a few cans of Tennants Extra).

I suspect he has never worn a suit in his life.  

He has a thick northern accent.  

He is extremely hard working and bright.  

He has manners and a great smile that makes his eyes twinkle and dance.

There is something good and decent about this man.

Something gentle but rough at the same time.

He savours things.  

He chews his words before saying things, but doesn’t over think.  

He trusts his gut.

He will, I hope, help me unlearn years of conditioning to wake up early, arrange flowers, cook the perfect dinner party, and make sure everyone is happy, when actually making the perfect cup of builders tea is enough.  

It’s enough.  

Even if nothing ever comes of it and we don’t have the earth shatteringly, put your soul back together good sex I just know we will one day, it doesn’t matter, because after just two dates he’s made me see that sticking with what you know just might be exactly what you don’t need.  

Mrs. Magnolia

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