Toyboy Warehouse

Toyboy Warehouse Goes To Ladies Day at Lords

For those of you who don’t know, one day every year, Lords, the temple of cricket in St John’s Wood, allows women in free AND, to encourage the ladies, gives them champagne. This took place recently and a group of friends decided to ignore their complete ignorance of the rules of the game and go and enjoy the spirit of the The Men in White.

Some of the women on Ladies Day were members of TBW and indeed, Victoria (pictured here) who met her boyfriend on TBW, won the prize for the best hat. And who could not admire that fabulous glittering cricket ball…

Much fun was had by all, despite the inclement weather, much champagne was quaffed and much assessing the good looks of the players was done without at all understanding what they were doing.

Perhaps next year we can organise a bigger group with some cricketing toyboys to explain the rules….