Toyboy Warehouse

I LOVE TED… Here’s why you should too

You may or may not know TED. No he’s not the hottest toyboy on TBW but the acronym of an organisation which stands for Technology Education and Design and the website is TED has the most amazing speakers from all over the world talking on their own particular field of research which can be anything from neuroscience to climate change, with speakers ranging from Nobel prize winners to the ubiquitous Jamie Oliver. The talks are never dry and boring and you can see them all on video clips on the site, and you can also get an app to view them on your iPhone or iPad.

This week was all about TED women and I went to the London TED women event called TedxKingsXWomen (add a hashtag if you want to follow it on twitter) on Wednesday held at the British Library by Women Unlimited, an organisation which helps to promote women in business. It was one of the most inspiring days I’ve had as we watched a live stream from the TedWomen conference in Washington DC. It ran over two days and included ground breaking women speakers from the world famous like Isabel Allende and Hilary Clinton to unknown scientists and artists talking about the way the world is changing and the women who are at the forefront of that change.

Only a few of the videos from the conference are up on the site at the moment but you can see plenty of others that are amazing and TED should be showing all of them over time. One to watch out for is by Hanna Rosin on the shifting gender balance. She wrote a controversial piece in The Atlantic called The End of Men.

By Julia, TBW Founder