Toyboy Warehouse

Hey amazing women

…and all you guys who appreciate us!

This is an open invitation for all of you to visit, a new online community to celebrate, motivate and inspire women.

It’s not a dating site, so don’t go there with hooking up in mind – stick to TBW for that kinda’ stuff.

AWR is a place to share stories about and/or to honour the amazing women in your lives – girlfriends, lovers, mothers, sisters, daughters, wives (maybe even ex-wives!), and ourselves.

Everyone at TBW knows that women rock. In every sense of the word. We astonish, astound, daze, dumbfound, jar, pitch, reel, roll, shake, shock, stagger, stun, surprise, sway, swing, tilt, tip, toss, and wobble. And we do it all with style, no matter what age we are. Older, younger, middle aged, or ancient. We all rock. We’re all hot.

And everyone at TBW also knows that women love to be appreciated….

(Hmmmmm. Wait a minute. We women know that. Maybe some of you guys don’t. So here’s a heads up guys: the secret to most women’s hearts is not to bare your chest, it’s to bare your heart and soul.)

Each and every one of us is special in her own way. And we like you to tell us, and even better to SHOW us, how special you think we are. You can do that at TBW with cards, pms and chats. You can do it at privately with quick messages, and publicly with tributes and stories.

And hey all you amazing TBW women, this new online community is a place for you to connect with other amazing women, to celebrate the women who have made a difference in your lives, and to blow your own horn, instead of someone else’s (sorry, lol, couldn’t resist….).

I’m just starting to gather stories (the site only launched a month ago), and I’d love to have yours, just by virtue of the fact that you’re on TBW makes you amazing.

So why, you might ask, did I create this online community? Well, the vision behind is simple: to change the world.

Yep, you’re right – it sounds a little ambitious. Maybe it’s even crazy. But I believe anything is possible. We are powerful, especially collectively. Together we can make amazing things happen.

The underlying belief behind the site is equally simple: our lives, no matter how “ordinary,” impact those of others in deeply meaningful ways, whether we know it or not.

So, sharing our experience has the potential to inspire others (and in the process, ourselves), to achieve greatness.

The biggest challenge I’ve faced with in launching this site is that most women with whom I talk feel they are not special enough, not accomplished enough, or not deserving enough to share their stories. Nothing could be further from the truth.

(To make a sweeping generalization, men tend to think more of themselves than we women do. Just take a look at the TBW hotties list. Last time I checked, 13 of the 23 men on it had nominated themselves, while only three of the 40 women had done so!)

The irony is that each of us, regardless of how simple we believe our lives are, no matter how unremarkable we feel we are, impacts the world around us in powerful, though possibly unknown, ways.

Educator and writer Leo Buscaglia put it like this:

“The majority of us lead quiet, unheralded lives as we pass through this world. There will most likely be no tickertape parades for us, no monuments created in our honor.

But that does not lessen our possible impact.

For there are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along: people who will appreciate our compassion, our encouragement, who will need our unique talents. Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

It’s overwhelming to consider the continuous opportunities there are to make our love felt.”

Of course we all enjoy making our love felt in a physical way, that’s part of what dating and relationships is all about. But there’s so much more to love than that.

Do you remember being deeply affected by someone else’s kind word or story? Perhaps they had no idea the impact their words had on you.

Maybe you can have the same impact on someone else’s life by sharing your story, or by showing an amazing woman that you appreciate her.

And whatever you do, don’t be good. Be amazing.

Susan Macaulay, Founder, (aka Desert Fox)