Toyboy Warehouse

Wild Babe & New Babe

Readers of Wild Babe’s blog all last year, may have been wondering what had happened to her of late. After she recounted her adventures from Vegas to Bali you might well imagine some exotic escapade. But no she wasn’t kidnapped by a Toronto Toyboy or whisked off by a Latvian Lover. She had a baby! So dating was out and the blog had to come to a temporary halt.
Towards the end of last year Wild Babe discovered she was ‘up the duff’ after a casual liason with a recent divorcé. Being an independent young woman [one of TBW youngest members at just past 30] she decided to go ahead and have the baby with or without the father, who decided not to opt in to the venture. Being a successful business woman and also aware that she only wanted one baby, she went ahead rather than waiting for Mr Right who might not come along until too late.
So last Sunday Rita Rose was born and is absolutely gorgeous. Wild Babe will continue her blog as a single mother when she gets back on the dating game which she hopes will be sooner rather than later.

Just in case you didn’t see Wild Babe’s blog, here’s a pic from her trip to Vegas last year.


TBW wishes Wild Babe [Katy] and Rita Rose the very best!