Toyboy Warehouse

One wife too many…

Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same.

After yet another date last night, I’m starting to question what it is
I’m actually after. At 33 years old you’d think I’d have a fair idea by
now, but I’m clueless…

I met my date, a 31 year old
journalist, at a bar local to me. I’m certainly one of the laziest
online daters out there as around 90% of my dates have been within a
half mile radius of my flat. I should start to branch out a little bit,
but I just don’t understand people that travel miles for what is
essentially a blind date. One girl told me that a guy flew in from New
York to meet her – what a loser. There’s almost 20 million people
living in the Big Apple, so how dull must this guy be having to fly
3,500 miles across the pond to find love? She called it romantic, I’d
call it bordering on insanity.  She said they had a kiss but nothing
more – If I’d spent £800 on a flight and 3 nights accommodation in a
hotel, I’d have got it in writing before take off that I was at least
getting some action. Anyway, each to their own….

So why I’m
questioning my motives now is that last night I had a delightful
evening with a charming, intelligent, attractive girl, but I came home
half cut, checked my emails and within the blink of an eye had winked
(for those not familiar with online dating, this is how you first make
contact with someone if you can’t be arsed to write a mail) at another
3 or 4 girls on a “suggested matches” mail that I get sent almost
daily. Now I know the likelihood is that come next week I’ll be on a
date with one of these girls and then the cycle continues.

the days of online dating, a guy would have to take his pretadorty
instincts into the bar or nightclub arena and try and work his magic
there. If he struck lucky and got a phone number, a date could be
arranged for the following week and that would be his one option until
the next time he went out. Now, lying at home on the sofa hungover
watching the football, a whole harem of girls can be courted with a bit
of email banter and a string of dates set up even before half time,
leaving you able to watch the second half happy in the knowledge that
your week night activites have been arranged without even moving.

of course, is fantastic news, but with so many available options, I’ve
lost focus of why I actually signed up. On one side of the coin I would
love to meet someone I genuinely get on with and could see as a long
term partner, but on the other, I get to fool around with a number of
young ladies and as the saying goes, variety is the spice of life. I
really do enjoy the thrill of a first date and knowing that I can have
these on tap now, means my hunt for “the one” has cooled. So basically
what I’m trying to say is, I haven’t had sex for a month and I’m
getting the right hump….