Toyboy Warehouse

Gold digger

“A person who treats an intimate relationship chiefly as a source of material gain”

8 years on into the 21st Century, I would have thought that by now EVERY woman was independent enough to have her own career, a property, pay her own way and have her own separate bank account without leeching onto a man. Or at least any with any self worth or self respect would This is not the 1950s for God’s sake but reality would have it otherwise. Gold diggers are everywhere and I find it astounding. Ok, I may be a freak of a woman in that I have 2 degrees, a career, a house and pay for everything with my own money. I do not accept money or gifts from men except my Father/Brother or boyfriend and even with a bf we go 50/50. Equality please! I would be scared even if a man offered to buy me a lipstick. -when I was 14 I was window shopping in Knightsbridge, an old guy came up to me and asked if he could buy me anything. “Yeah, and what do you want in return?” I thought and scuttled off. Another “ friend” offered to buy a load of Maxmara clothes in Italy one hol. No! I could not but, sadly, there are plenty of women are happy to behave like this. Prostitution? Or legalised prostitution if we are kinder about it? I know of the hordes of Eastern European girls who have flocked to London (not for cultural reasons methinks) solely to ensnare a British man. Money? Passport? Better lifestyle? “Passport marriages” we call them at work. I work in a translation business where we translate their wedding certificates and then all the divorce stuff that follows. Botoxed, plumped lips, obligatory little yappy dog, big WAG handbag. Marry, divorce, re-marry. Please do not say it is for love. I guess the “traditional” woman is still alive & firmly kicking!

One of my overseas pals was “married” to a friend of mine. He is a succesful financier –Cambridge 1st, highly intellectual. She reads the Daily Mail and watches Eastenders ( and cheated on him continually. Nice) . Btw, nothing wrong with putting it about but you have to be single to do this.  They are since divorced but still “good friends” and he continues to fund her lavish lifestyle. You may say he is a mug, yes, that he may be (or just a generous person). But this is a case of love being blind and a gold digger operating at her manipulative worst (best?). She is attractive & she does “the talk” but she is not the most beautiful woman God created. She is permanently stressed – her days consist of playing bridge, manicures, pedicures, massages, a lunch, some shopping but, and here is the irony, despite that she confesses after a few wines she is not happy and the money does not matter to her. Ha!!! Get the girl an office job & a sense of self respect I say! How does she sleep at night? Clearly she had a moral bypass. The scary thing is the current daughter ( 21) is sounding and behaving like her mother. She graduates in a few weeks. I only pray she uses her brain & works for a few years and does not just marry the 1st man who waves his wallet ( or his?) in her face.  Another “ Overseas friend” of mine (same country of provenance as the afore-mentioned (!) is this a national trait I wonder?) has hooked up with a wealthy guy. Now, this guy is not able bodied. The woman is attractive and it makes us think WHY would she settle for that? It does not take a genius hey!? We are waiting to see what happens. Will she bump him off to get her hands on his millions? Or will she get pregnant on purpose? He too is blind. Metaphorically? Physically?  Does she love you? No. Does she love your bank account? Oh yes.
Girls,girls! Get an education and a career . Earn your own cash, it is vastly satisfying.
I too have a closet full of Vuitton bags and gorgeous clothes but paid for by moi. What would you rather? Sleeping soundly at night without “having to ”thank ““ your provider? Peace of mind and total freedom – financial & otherwise -or a million “bought” handbags? I know what I would choose any day…

By Joy Ryder