Toyboy Warehouse

Earning more than your guy?

I was intrigued by a recent article in The New York Times quoting a PEW Research report that found that wives are now the primary breadwinner in 22 percent of couples, (up from 7 percent in 1970) and that this shift has had a positive impact on marriage stability…
The report states that since women are less dependent on marrying men with higher incomes or social status, they more often opt to marry for love, resulting in more sustainable, equitable and happy marriages.
This report rebuts a belief held by most men and women I talk to – that relationships where the woman earns more or is more educated, generally result in failure.  ”The statistics show that typically, the more economic independence and education a woman gains, the more likely she is to stay married. And in states where fewer wives have paid jobs, divorce rates tend to be higher, according to a 2009 report from the Center for American Progress.”
What do you think? Should overeducated working girls kick up their heels and rejoice?

By Ms Z, an American in London and author of